Verilog HDL - A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis

该资源由用户: 五河冰双 上传  举报不良内容

For users, the new Bluetooth wireless standard will cut through the complexity of wireless communications, enabling devices to communicate seamlessly. Bluetooth Revealed offers the first insider`s view of the Bluetooth standards: crucial information and insight professionals need to start implementing Bluetooth solutions now. After a high-level introduction to Bluetooth and the standards process, it reviews key design decisions driven by the use of the 2.4 GHz spectrum, power consumption restrictions, requirements for a global standard, and other key issues. It presents each key Bluetooth usage model, including cordless computing, advanced headsets, file transfer/synchronization, dial-up networking, speakerphones and conference table applications, hidden computing, and more. Next, it reviews the entire specification in unprecedented depth: its purpose, scope, structure, and interrelationships. The entire Bluetooth protocol stack is covered, including radio, baseband, and software layers; hardware and interfaces; and Link Manager and Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP). The book also contains detailed information on each major Bluetooth profile, showing how to achieve interoperable solutions for a wide variety of applications. Finally, the authors preview Bluetooth`s future, including new automotive, imaging, printing, and other applications.

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Verilog HDL Guide Digital Design Synthesis


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Verilog HDL - A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis
