LaTeX Cookbook: Over 100 hands-on recipes to quickly prepare LaTeX documents of various kinds to solve challenging tasks

该资源由用户: 钰珂殿下 上传  举报不良内容

LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting software and is very popular, especially among scientists. Its programming language gives you full control over every aspect of your documents, no matter how complex they are. LaTeX`s huge amount of customizable templates and supporting packages cover most aspects of writing with embedded typographic expertise. With this book you will learn to leverage the capabilities of the latest document classes and explore the functionalities of the newest packages. The book starts with examples of common document types. It provides you with samples for tuning text design, using fonts, embedding images, and creating legible tables. Common document parts such as the bibliography, glossary, and index are covered, with LaTeX`s modern approach. You will learn how to create excellent graphics directly within LaTeX, including diagrams and plots quickly and easily. Finally, you will discover how to use the new engines XeTeX and LuaTeX for advanced programming and calculating with LaTeX.

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LaTeX Cookbook Over 100 hands recipes quickly prepare documents various


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LaTeX Cookbook: Over 100 hands-on recipes to quickly prepare LaTeX documents of various kinds to solve challenging tasks
