Introduction to Google SketchUp

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The 2nd edition of Chopra`s Google SketchUp provides key pedagogical elements, which help prepare readers for the workforce. The content provides real-world and applied material including better PowerPoint presentations and how-to animations. Additional features include updated content to reflect software upgrades and market use; new pedagogy elements and interior design; and more robust resources that will are appropriate for different users of Google Sketch.The book also addresses the similarities between the adapted title, Google SketchUp 8 for Dummies, and Google SketchUp 2. This includes a title that contains the core content and basic software how-to from For Dummies; revised TOC to reflect the course; and new material developed/written by writer and academic advisors/reviewers. This edition goes beyond the basic software use to teach on portions of SketchUp.

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Introduction Google SketchUp


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Introduction to Google SketchUp
