Motorcycle Dream Garages

该资源由用户: 蓬莱山幼仪 上传  举报不良内容

This gorgeous hardcover book takes you on a journey into some of the most interesting motorcycle garages on the planet, places where old bikes are restored, wild custom come to life, and friendships are made of beer, b.s., and bruised knuckles. These are the garages where this book takes you--from the old firehouse to the lavishly finished tin shed to the plain old two-car attached structure harboring the treasured bike while the family car sits out in the weather. Motorcycle Dream Garages opens the doors to sixteen palaces for two-wheeled work and play, among them a secret one in New Jersey housing rare and collectible bikes at a location known only to members of an underground club a converted firehouse in St. Paul and a variety of luxury motorcycle garages owned by racers and celebrities both in the US and Europe.

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Motorcycle Dream Garages


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Motorcycle Dream Garages
