Android Studio game development: concepts and design
Visual Studio Code 权威指南
Xamarin with Visual Studio. Launch your mobile development career by creating Android and iOS applications using .NET and C#
Building Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studio: With Pyjnius, Plyer, and Buildozer
Android Studio应用开发实战详解
FL STUDIO 水果音乐制作软件实战手册
Android Studio Cookbook: Design, test, and debug your apps using Android Studio
Developing Turn-Based Multiplayer Games: with GameMaker Studio 2 and NodeJS
Android-Apps programmieren – Professionelle App-Entwicklung mit Android Studio 4
Android Studio移动开发教程
Learn Android Studio 4 - Efficient Java-Based Android Apps Development
Android Studio Application Development: Create visually appealing applications using the new IntelliJ IDE Android Studio
Primer estudio sobre la reducción cadavérica en condiciones sumergidas en la Península Ibérica, empleando un modelo de cerdo doméstico (sus scrofa l., 1758) en el río Manzanares (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Android Studio 3.0 Development Essentials - Android 8 Edition
Learn Android Studio: Build Android Apps Quickly and Effectively
ODP.NET Developers Guide: Oracle Database 10g Development with Visual Studio 2005 and the Oracle Data Provider for .NET: A practical guide for developers ... Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2005