The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan
Sweden - Sweden
Saab Gripen-Swedens 21st Century Multirole Aircraft -Aerofax
Function spaces, interpolation theory, and related topics: proceedings of the international conference in honour of Jaak Peetre on his 65th birthday: Lund, Sweden, August 17-22, 2000
An Unofficial Alliance, Scotland and Sweden 1569-1654: Scotland and Sweden 1569-1654 (Northern World, 5)
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 4th International Conference, Rsctc 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1-5, 2004, Proceedings
Ideology-Driven Public Opinion Formation in Europe: The Case of Third Sector Attitudes in Sweden
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 12th International Conference, CAiSE 2000 Stockholm, Sweden, June 5–9, 2000 Proceedings
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 14th International Symposium, FCT 2003, Malmö, Sweden, August 12-15, 2003. Proceedings
Burial Textiles: Textile Bits and Pieces in Central Sweden, AD 500-800
UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing: 4th International Conference Göteborg, Sweden, September 29 – October 1, 2002 Proceedings
Systems Approaches and Their Application: Examples from Sweden
Archaeology of Touchstones: An Introduction Based on Finds from Birka, Sweden